Monday, 1 July 2019

Move on - ACDYL

Copy paste : LLIL

She’s Letting You Go Because You Don’t Deserve Her Anymore..

She put up with your behaviour long enough. She gave you chance after chance to give her what she wants, what she needs. She gave you all the time, energy, and effort that she possibly could, and what did she get in return?
The bare minimum. As little effort as you thought you could get away with putting in.
You don’t deserve her jokes. You don’t deserve her laugh. You don’t deserve her tears, or her words, or her touch, or her love, or her heart. You don’t deserve her at all.
She could have been your Queen. She could have given you the world, if only you’d opened your arms to her like she did to you. She loved you. She loved you with a purity, a tender genuine feeling of deep affection for all of the things she once thought she saw in you. 
But no more. Those days are over now.
You wasted every shot you got. You squandered chance after chance to be there for her, to be the man she needed you to be. All she got from you was empty promises and poor excuses. She’s letting you go because she’s tired of the mistakes, of the lies, of the half-hearted apologies.
She tried her best to make things work. She gave you her all, but it was never enough. After all, relationships are a team sport, but there was only ever one person batting in yours.
She’s sick of it. She’s tired. She’s been worn down emotionally by the toll your relationship took on her. She spent too long waiting for you to look at her with those same loving eyes that she used to fix on you. 
Somewhere along the way, she fell out of touch with who she was. She spent so long trying to make you happy that she neglected her own individuality. Well, no more. She’s going to reclaim the life she’s put second for so long. She’s going to start putting herself first for once, making herself her number one priority. 
She doesn’t need you anymore, because she’s realized that she never did.
She doesn’t hate you. She doesn’t hold a grudge. She’s not trying get revenge. She just doesn’t love you anymore. There’s no place left for you in her life, and that’s okay. She wishes you all the best.
So when you lie awake at night, thinking about what could have been, know that she wasn’t crazy. She wasn’t unfair. It was you who lost out on the greatest thing that ever happened to you, because you were too blind to know what you had when you had it.
You don’t deserve her anymore, so she’s moving on..

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