Monday, 26 December 2016


Please take note.. (Not just note but action my dear..)

Kebanyakan suami tidak memahami mengapa isteri sangat suka apabila dipeluk. Bagi suami, pelukan hanyalah pertautan fizikal, dan ada kalanya merimaskan. Sedangkan bagi isteri, pelukan menyimpan erti lebih mendalam dan memberi manfaat besar bagi kesihatan jiwa.

Saya pernah diberitahu oleh seorang pesakit wanita, semangatnya lemah kerana suami tiada di rumah dan jarang memeluknya. Bila suami memeluknya, baru terasa semangat dan tubuh menjadi lebih bertenaga.

Walaupun ia mungkin benar dari sudut psychology, tetapi dari segi physiologinya juga mengatakan ‘pelukan mesra suami mampu mengeluarkan hormone oxytocin’ dalam tubuh isteri dan memberikan kesan tersebut.

Oleh itu para suami, peluklah isteri, belai lembut rambutnya, sentuh wajahnya, gosok lembut lengannya, kaitkan jari-jemari tangan anda dengan jari-jemarinya, gosok lembut punggungnya, dan sentiasa menjaga pandangan mata anda dengan matanya.

Pelukan membuatkan pasangan merasa lebih dekat dan intim. Bagi isteri, pelukan merupakan bentuk komitmen cinta dan kesetiaan pasangan.

Biasanya suami menganggap bahawa pelukan bermakna isteri dahagakan hubungan seksual, tetapi sebenarnya para isteri lebih menikmati pelukan dari hubungan seksual.

Oleh itu para suami, jangan rasa ‘kelam kabut’ jika tidak bersedia bila isteri minta dipeluk. Dan isteri tolong beritahu suami, ..”please, I just a hug..” dan jangan mengharap suami faham kehendak puan tanpa diucap.

Kredit : #drzubaidi..

Sunday, 25 December 2016

no name..

Friends book of 2016! ��

1. My name in your phone ___(no name)___
2. Relation between u n me ____a m l..(soulmate)____
3.Any name u would like 2 call me____sayang..______
4. What will be your reaction when you will find out that I am dead. ______shaking.._____
5. The thing you like most in my face____ur smile..__
6. One thing that you love the most about me ___humble_____
7. If you got a chance to ask me smthng about my personal life? ___(i cant ask u now bcoz its so personal)..__
8.Your first reaction on my first look ____soulmate..__
9.How long u want me in your life____till jannah.._______
10.Song Wanna Dedicate me ____a m l, dirgahayu, thank you for loving me, cinta dalam hati, terlalu cinta, terlanjur cinta, kenangan terindah, andainya takdir & so many more..
11. Movie wanna dedicate to me___my best friend wedding.._____

Sras & ilusm..

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

as much as u do..

I want you as much as you do..

When you meet your soulmate, let the connection, the relationship be what it is. It may be five minutes, five hours, five days, five months, five years or a lifetime. Let it manifest itself, the way it’s meant to. It has a destiny. This way, if it stays or if it leaves, you will be softer from having been loved. Souls come into, return, open, and sweep through your life for a myriad of reasons, let them be who and what they are meant to be.”

Just remember that forever..


Love isn’t always perfect. It isn’t a fairytale or a storybook. And it doesn’t always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on & never letting go. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, & impossible to live without. Love is work, but most of all, Love is realizing that every hour, every minute, & every second was worth it because you did it together..

Saturday, 10 December 2016

bcoz i luv u.. ACDYL

I luv u not him..

I want u more than u want me..

I want all of u.. Every inch..& soul..


Sunday, 4 December 2016



40 tahun berlalu..

04121976 - 04122016

Moga hari2 mendatang diberi lebih kekuatan fizikal & mental untuk menempuhinya dengan jalan yang diredhaiNya..

Doakan saya yang baik2.. Doakan saya bahagia dunia akhirat..

Tak tau nk buat apa hari ni.. Rasa nk pegi BTS tapi takdek geng pulak.. Pergi sorang3 ok ker idak?
How i wish you were here.. I want to go with you..


Sunday, 6 November 2016

semua Untukmu..AML.. - gv061116-

1. Bunga Angkasa..

2. Doa Buat Kekasih..

3. Terlanjur Cinta..

4. Aku Yang Tersakiti..

5.  Nilai Cinta..

6. Lamunan Terhenti..

7. Jangan Menangis Sayang..

 8. Rindu Bayangan..

9. Pada Syurga di Wajahmu..

10. Lelaki Ini..


Sunday, 16 October 2016



Cantik tarikh hari ni kan? So diucapkan selamat hari lahir kepada yang lahir pada tarikh ni.. Semoga sentiasa dilimpahi rahmat & kebahagiaan yang berpanjangan..

Aktiviti saya hari ni?
1.. Bawa anak2 pergi taman.. Riadah menyihatkan badan katanya..
2.. Melawat makcik yang tak berapa sihat..
3.. Shopping barang2 dapur..
4.. Bake a cake..
 5.. Rasa macam nak pegi jln TAR tapi tak tau sempat ker idak..

I love you today and I’ll love you tomorrow, and the next day and even next week.
In 4 months, I will love you, just like I loved you yesterday. 40 years from now, I’ll run my hands through my grey hair and smile at the thought of how much I love you. I just hope you’ll be with me through all that time.


Tuesday, 4 October 2016



MylitteAisy turns 6 today.. I luv you infinity..

# together we baked  & deco with luv.. 💕

Sunday, 11 September 2016

sets your soul on fire..

When You’re Forcing Love To Stay Alive, It Isn’t Love Anymore.

Sometimes love is ugly, challenging, frustrating, painful – even in the happiest and strongest of relationships. Love takes work. It takes effort. Love is not always light and pretty. It takes the ability to admit when you’re wrong. It takes dedication, it takes loyalty.
But there is a difference between fighting for something that you know is too good to let go of, and clinging on to something that has already died.
Often, deep down, we already know when it’s not love anymore. What it is is familiarity, routine, insurance. It’s something we’ve gotten used to. It’s a security blanket. It’s the guarantee that we aren’t alone. Sometimes the death of love is easier to sense, if we’re with someone who directly makes us incredibly unhappy. And sometimes it’s harder to admit to ourselves, because we’re with someone whom we care about deeply, even if we’re no longer in love with them. But no matter the specific circumstances, we try to convince ourselves that the love is still there, because we’re not ready for the alternative.
And so we grasp onto it, no matter how much our gut resists, because we’d rather cling to something that is dead than willingly step into a world where we are hurt and alone.
It’s not a fault really, not a flaw. Just human nature. It is in our bones to want to be with other people. To feel instantly comforted from the touch or the assurance of another human being. To feel actual, physical pain when we stretch out in bed and are once again reminded that there is no longer a warm body in the place next to us.
But we must remember that there is a difference between forcing love and fighting for it. Forcing love – forcing yourself to feel something – is not love at all. It’s a manufactured emotion your body has created as a coping mechanism, a survival instinct. Forcing love means it’s already dead. And when you spend all your time forcing yourself to love someone, you miss the opportunity to fight for the person who really sets your soul on fire. The choice isn’t easy, but at least it’s yours..
Written by Kim Quindlen


Sunday, 4 September 2016


Rasa suka, sayang, kasih dan cinta; tak cukup hanya luahan tetapi perlu diselarikan dengan tindakan. Andai benar anda suka, pasti anda mengutamakannya. Andai benar anda kasih, anda takkan biarkan dia tersisih. Jika benar anda sayang, anda takkan benarkan dia hilang. Jika benar anda cinta, anda pasti sentiasa ingin membahagiakannya. Andai benar anda disukai, anda akan sentiasa dihargai. Andai benar anda dikasihi, anda takkan dibiarkan susah sendiri. Jika benar anda disayangi, keperluan dan kebajikan anda akan disentiasa dipenuhi. Jika benar anda dicintai, anda takkan dibenarkan merana di dalam hidup ini..



Biarlah tiada pesan dan janji
Biar tiada kau di sisi 
Aku mengerti..

Seterdaya semampuku 
Kucoba menunggu 
Biarlah lompang hatiku ini 
Mengharap pulang kau yang pergi..

Kembalilah kepadaku 
Tika punah mimpi-mimpimu 
Kembalilah di saat perlu 
Episod-episod duka, biar berlalu..

Biarlah waktu ini 
Kau bebas berlari
Jika tersasar hilang arahmu 
Pulang ke pangkal ku menunggu..

Kembalilah kepadaku 
Tika punah mimpi-mimpimu 
Kembalilah di saat perlu 
Episod-episod duka, biar berlalu..

Biar sementara ini 
Tiada terisi kekosongan hati 
Diriku air tenang mengalir tuju muara 
Andainya memang takdir, berakhir, kuredha..

Kembalilah di saat perlu 
Episod-episod duka, biar berlalu..

# dapat mimpi pun dah happy.. Tq..

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Aireez or Airyz or Airis or Aierys or Airees..


Hi awak..

Hari ni terpikirkan sesuatu.. Jika saya ada anak perempuan namanya adalah Airis @Aireez @ Airyz @ Aierys @ Aiereez.. Ejaan berbeza.. Bunyinya tetap sama.. Nama tu dah dapat lama dulu masa mengandungkan Adam.. Sebab ingatkan dapat anak perempuan masa tu.. Dah 7 tahunkan.. Tapi anak perempuan yang ditunggu belum kunjung tiba.. Takpelah.. Semua yang terjadi ada sebabnya kan? Hari ni baru sedar yang nama tu mempunyai makna yang lebih dari tu.. Makna yang sangat bermakna.. Haha.. Apa punya ayat larrr.. That why lar i tak dapat2 anak perempuan agaknya.. Wondering.. Can u guess?





Seorang wanita sedang keluar dari rumahnya apabila dia terlihat tiga orang lelaki tua berjanggut panjang yang berwarna putih sedang duduk dihalaman rumahnya. Dia tidak kenal akan mereka.

Wanita itu bertanya, " Saya tidak fikir saya mengenali awak semua, tetapi saya pasti awak semua mesti sedang lapar. Silalah masuk kerumah saya dan makan sesuatu."
"Adakah suami awak ada dirumah?", mereka bertanya.
"Tidak", wanita itu berkata. "Suami saya telah keluar."
"Jadi, kami tidak akan masuk", mereka menjawab.

Sewaktu suaminya pulang ke rumah pada petang itu, wanita itu pun memberitahunya kejadian tersebut. "Pergi beritahu mereka bahawa saya telah balik dan menjemput mereka masuk kedalam sekarang!"
Wanita itu keluar dan menjemput ketiga-tiga lelaki tua itu masuk ke dalam.
"Kami tidak akan masuk ke dalam rumah bersama-sama," mereka menjawap.
"Mengapa begitu?" wanita itu ingin tahu.

Salah seorang dari lelaki tua itu pun menerangkan :
"Namanya ialah Kekayaan," Dia berkata sambil menunjuk ke arah salah seorang kawannya, dan beralih menunjuk kearah kawan yang seorang lagi, " Dia adalah Kejayaan, dan saya adalah Kasih Sayang."

Dia menyambung lagi, "Sekarang masuklah semula kedalam rumah dan berbincanglah dengan suami awak, siapakah di antara kami bertiga yang kamu ingin jemput kedalam rumah."

Wanita itu pun masuk semula kedalam dan memberitahu suaminya perkara tersebut. Suaminya berasa sungguh gembira.
"Bagusnya!!" dia berkata. "Kalau macam tu jemputlah Kekayaan masuk. Biar dia masuk dan mengisi rumah kita ini dengan Kekayaan!"
Isterinya tidak bersetuju. "Abang, kenapa pula kita tidak menjemput Kejayaan?"

Kebetulan, menantu perempuan mereka juga sedang mendengar perbualan itu dari satu sudut rumah yang lain. Dia lalu menyampuk dan memberikan pandangannya :
"Bukankah lebih baik sekiranya kita menjemput Kasih Sayang? Rumah kita ini pasti akan diselubungi dengan Kasih Sayang!"
"Biarlah kita mengikut nasihat menantu kita itu," kata suami itu kepada isterinya.
"Keluar dan jemputlah Kasih Sayang sebagai tetamu kita."

Wanita itu pun keluar dan bertanya kepada tiga lelaki tua, "Yang mana satu diantara kamu adalah Kasih Sayang? Silalah masuk dan jadi tetamu kami."

Kasih Sayang bangun dan mula berjalan ke arah rumah. Kedua-dua lelaki yang lain juga bangun dan mengikutinya. Terperanjat, wanita itu pun bertanya kepada Kekayaan dan Kejayaan :
"Saya cuma menjemput Kasih Sayang, mengapa kamu juga ikut sekali?"
Mereka semua menjawab: "Jika awak menjemput samada Kekayaan atau Kejayaan, yang lain akan tunggu diluar, tetapi oleh kerana awak telah menjemput Kasih Sayang, kemana-mana sahaja dia pergi, kami akan pergi bersamanya.
...Dimana ada Kasih Sayang, disitu juga ada Kekayaan dan `Kejayaan!"...

Dicatat oleh IBNU MUSLIM



Saturday, 27 August 2016

not for you & the pain you cause.. part 2..

She scrubbed the pot.
"You have chosen to abandon our marriage but that doesn't mean my whole world has collapsed. I will still continue being a good mother to our children. They will never say the problems between mom and dad, made mom a monster. You do as you please with other women, I will raise our children."
She looked at him and told him, "Do I hate you? No, it will be a lie to say I hate you. You are the man I married, the one I vowed to, the one I love"
Tears fell down her cheeks. She wiped them. "I can't just cancel all the years we have been together. The Quran as well as the Bible asks us to love our enemies. If I am able to love my enemies, surely I can still love you despite all you have done. I am angry and disappointed, but I have taken my power back. I live for God who has exceedingly blessed me, not for you and the pain you cause"
She wiped her wet hands, took the apron from her body and told him, "In my peace, I am planning on where the children and
I will move to. Since you have chosen to have an affair, you have shown clearly that you don't need us. So we will not make your life uncomfortable by forcing you to live with us. You need to be able to bring the woman you are cheating with to your own house. I am working on something. I came into this house in peace and I will leave in peace. You will not kill my smile and shine"
She walked to the bedroom. Minutes later. He followed her to the
bedroom. He found her peacefully asleep.He nudged her. He woke her up and said,
"Please don't go, don't move out. I will hurt you no more, I will cheat no more. I am not OK. I want the peace you have. I want to be the kind of husband you are as a wife."
Since that day, he has been a reformed man. No more affairs, no
more hurting her, no flirting with other women, or endless fights. She didn't move out. She and the children stayed. He submitted to God and learned how to be a good husband, Love is powerful enough to humble the most proud ....... I don't know what you are experiencing this morning but my prayer is ,may you enjoy over whatever you are going through and behold, God is going to rain everlasting peace and freedom upon your life...Amen.

Kindly SHARE this to bless someone out there..

Credit : Pious Muslim Husband and Wife.


If someone can fall asleep knowing you’re crying, knowing you’re hurting, or knowing you didn’t get home safe, they dont truly care for you...

not for you & the pain you cause.. part 1..

He woke up in the morning and found her praying. He heard her praying for him.He stared at her. It has been a long time since he
has seen her praying. For the past few months, they have been arguing. Last night, they had a nasty fight.He went to the kitchen in a hurry to prepare himself breakfast.

These past days, she hasn't been cooking for him. Shock on him. He found breakfast already set at the table. He ate. He went back to the bedroom, to prepare for a shower. She left the shower. "Good morning. Have a blessed day" she said as she entered the bedroom and he left for the bathroom. After his shower, all dressed up for work; he found his wife at the kitchen, eating breakfast in peace. She was looking at some funny videos on her phone and giggling. He looked at her then walked out the door. The last look he had of her before he left was of her at peace.
That last look disturbed him. This is not how she should be. This is not how she has been. He has been hurting her, she has recently found out that he has been flirting with other women, he has cheated once and used money meant for their family on other women. She should be angry.Her peaceful demeanor disturbed him.

Evening came. He went home and met his peaceful wife again. She was cooking and laughing with their children. She had come from work two hours ago.The dinner was enjoyable. Good food, she having warm conversations with the children. He as the father felt left out. His wife and children seemed to be having fun despite him hurting them.
After dinner, as she washed the dishes and the children had gone to bed. He approached her.
"Are you OK?" he asked her.
"I am more than OK. I am blessed "She answered.
"Are you not mad at me? After all that I am doing and have done wrong?" he asked.

She placed the washed plate in the rack then looked at him and said, "I asked myself, what is the most important relationship in my
life? The one I have with you or the one with God? And I realized it is the one with God. I live for God, not for you. Marrying you was a blessing but it is not all there is in life. God has blessed me with life and I will not waste it crying because of the hurt you cause me to feel"
She picked up a dirty glass and began washing it. "I realized I had given you too much power... Yes, you are my husband, the closest human being in my life and the human being I love the most; but you are not God. You have failed me but God never fails me. I will not let you ruin my joy, my peace and my progress. You break our marriage if you want to, but I will hold on to God. And as I hold on to God, I will be full of joy despite what you do" She said rinsing the glass.

She looked at him and continued, "When you hurt me and disrespected me, I realized I was acting out like a woman who has no God. I got mad and hurled insults, I wanted to revenge and I allowed you to mess me day after day. My performance at work went down, I talked less to our children, I became bitter to the children, I felt sorry for myself, I developed ulcers. And then I realized, I have God, I shouldn't act like someone with no relationship with God. Why should I be hopeless yet God is with me? I had focused so much on you that I forgot about God. When you found me, I had God. We dated and got married and I let everything be about you because I wanted to make our marriage work. Our marriage became the idol I worship instead of the blessing I have in God. Our marriage is failing apart because of you but my relationship with God is still intact"

She scrubbed the pot.
"You have chosen to abandon our marriage but that doesn't mean my whole world has collapsed. I will still continue being a good mother to our children. They will never say the problems between mom and dad, made mom a monster. You do as you please with other women, I will raise our children."
She looked at him and told him, "Do I hate you? No, it will be a lie to say I hate you. You are the man I married, the one

Thursday, 11 August 2016

The Love Letter..

"When lovers are not able to meet, the best thing to send is a book or a letter. The lovers reads that letter over and over. That is what the Quran is, a book, a letter from Allah. From the Beloved to you... and because you love Allah, you read it over and over." (Shaykh Hamza Yusuf)

Bring back the love letter. Make no mistake about it: there is nothing quite so tender and romantic as receiving a love letter. Yes, handwritten on nice stationery and delivered just to you. A step up from texting, isn't it..

Yup.. Suka sangat dengan surat cinta.. Semuanya dapat diluahkan di situ.. Ermmm..teringat zaman dulu2..  Yang pertama, memang power ayat2 cinta dia.. Memang cairlah.. Yang kedua, penuh perasaan..jadi kesian.. Yang ketiga, texting.. So, tak menarik..  Not memorable..

Memang sayang nk buang surat2 cinta tu tapi perlu buanglah jugakkan.. Takut nanti ada yang marah pulak.. Hehe..

So, I am romantic person & old skool..

# Gamble with LOVE.
# Overdose on a sweet FRIENDSHIP..
# Find hope in a HEARTBREAK..

# Camar Yang Pulang.. #

Bermusim tinggalkan perlabuhan
Layari hidup sendirian
Kembali kumencari fajar suci
Mengisi sepi hati ini..

Seperti camar pulang ke pangkuan
Merindu kedamaian dulu
Begitu harapan ku terhadapmu
Semoga kasih belum layu..

Di hati ini sering melagukan rindu
Senyum tangismu di mata ku
Andai waktu bisa menemukan semula
Akan kubina kasih dulu bersamamu..

Siapa yang menduga segalanya
Suratan takdir Maha Esa
Sepintas kutemui senyumanmu
Memberi daku sinar baru..

# SRAS #

@ someone i want to talk to.. About anything.. About everything.. Ada ke?

Saturday, 16 July 2016

awak di mana? ACR

Apa kabar awak?

“I know I probably do not cross your mind much anymore but I hope someday you see something that reminds you of me and the things we use to spend hours talking about at night and then your throat gets tight and your heart skips a beat and you finally miss me back.”

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Love is not about kisses and hugs or holding hands. It’s about asking someone if they are okay, if they had breakfast or if they need help. Love is about the little things like smiling at someone because you see the stars in them. It’s about being supportive and accepting. Love is love and no one should judge..


Wednesday, 6 July 2016


Salam aidilfitri.. Maaf zahir & batin..

# tiada apa yg kurang..
kecuali..awak seorang..


Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Aku Bukan Untukmu..


Dahulu kau mencintaiku..
Dahulu kau menginginkanku..
Meskipun tak pernah ada jawabku..
Tak berniat kau tinggalkan aku..

Sekarang kau pergi menjauh..
Sekarang kau tinggalkan aku..
Disaat ku mulai mengharapkanmu..
Dan kumohon maafkan aku..

Aku menyesal telah membuatmu menangis..
Dan biar kau memilih yang lain..
Tapi jangan pernah kau dustai takdirmu..
Pasti itu terbaik untukmu..

Janganlah lagi kau mengingatku kembali..
Aku bukanlah untukmu..
Meski ku memohon dan meminta hatimu..
Jangan pernah tinggalkan dirinya..
Untuk diriku..

Sekarang kau pergi menjauh..
Sekarang kau tinggalkan aku..
Disaat ku mulai mengharapkanmu..
Dan kumohon maafkan aku..

Aku menyesal telah membuatmu menangis..
Dan biar kau memilih yang lain..
Tapi jangan pernah kau dustai takdirmu..
Pasti itu terbaik untukmu..

Janganlah lagi kau mengingatku kembali..
Aku bukanlah untukmu..
Meski ku memohon dan meminta hatimu..
Jangan pernah tinggalkan dirinya..
Meski ku memohon dan meminta hatimu..
Jangan pernah tinggalkan dirinya..😭😭


Oh semudah itu engkau pergi
Meninggalkanku tenggelam dalam sepi
Teganya dirimu Sentuh aku dengan cintamu
Secepat itu Dan kini kau berlalu..

Ku hilang karenamu Aku tersesat karenamu
Hancur sudah Semua karenamu

Dimanakah engkau kini Aku berselimut sepi
Ku menangis memanggil namamu
Kemana harus ku cari Saat rindu membunuhku
Jangan jadikan hati ini Hati tak bertuan

Senandung lirih cintaku
Jatuh berderai Sakit terasa pilu
Teganya dirimu Sentuh aku dengan cintamu
Secepat itu Dan kini kau berlalu

Dimanakah engkau kini Aku berselimut sepi
Ku menangis memanggil namamu
Kemana harus ku cari Saat rindu membunuhku
Jangan jadikan hati ini Hati tak bertuan

Dimanakah engkau kini Aku berselimut sepi
Ku menangis memanggil namamu
Kemana harus ku cari Saat rindu membunuhku
Jangan jadikan hati ini Hati tak bertuan..


Ku tak pernah lagi mendengar
Kau dimanakah kini berada
Ku hanya berharap cintamu
Masih untukku..

Karena sesungguhnya ku tahu
Kita di gariskan terlarang
Tapi mengapa harus terjadi
Sejauh ini..

Jikalau ku bisa memutarkan waktu
Ku pasti selalu menunggu
Andaikan seribu tahun tak cukup
Milyaran abad ku sanggup..

Tapi mengapa harus terjalin Cinta sejati

Jikalau ku bisa memutarkan waktu
Ku pasti selalu menunggu
Andaikan seribu tahun tak cukup
Milyaran abad ku sanggup..

Hoooo Jikalau ku bisa memutarkan waktu
Ku pasti selalu menunggu
Andaikan seribu tahun tak cukup
Milyaran abad ku sanggup..

Andaikan seribu tahun tak cukup..

Milyaran abad ku sanggup


Sunday, 29 May 2016

Tetap mencintai..

Ustaz Iqbal Zain..


Tiga kali sudah Nabi Musa ‘Alaihi Salam mempertanyakan kelakuan Khidir ‘Alaihi Sallam yang jika dilihat sepintas lalu, sangatlah menyimpang dari batasan syariat agama. Maka akibat dari ketidaksabarannya itu, Nabi Musa harus menerima akibat untuk berpisahnya beliau dengan Khidir a.s.
“Inilah saat perpisahan antara saya dengan engkau”. Ungkap Khidir ‘Alaihi Salam.
Nabi musa pada awalnya hendak menimba ilmu dengan mengikuti kemana Khidir pergi. Khidir pun menerima Nabi Musa sebagai muridnya dengan syarat ia harus bersabar dan tidak mempertanyakan apa pun yang dilakukannya. Namun kesepakatan ini dilanggar oleh Nabi Musa hingga tiga kali. Maka pada kali ketiganya itu, habislah sudah kesempatan Nabi Musa untuk mengikuti Khidir.
Keduanya akhirnya berpisah. Bukan perpisahan yang dilandasi kebencian, bukan pula kerana adanya dendam, kemarahan dan sakit hati. Perpisahan itu murni kerana dipegang teguhnya kesepakatan dan perjanjian antara dua belah pihak. Kedua manusia pilihan Allah itu memutuskan sesuatu setelah tercapai azam dan bertawakal pada Allah.
Nabi Musa tidaklah membenci Khidir yang memutuskan kebersamaan mereka berdua Khidir pun tak menyimpan marah dalam hati kerana telah diprotes sebanyak tiga kali oleh muridnya. Kedua-dua mereka menerima bahawa mereka tidak sehaluan dalam pendapat masing-masing namun ketidak sepakatan tersebut tak mencalar semangat persaudaraan dan kesatuan hati. Bahkan sebelum berpisah, keduanya saling meminta dan memberi nasihat dalam kebaikan dan takwa.
Inilah perpisahan yang dilandasi oleh rasa cinta. Inilah perpisahan yang dilandasi kebenaran dan kemaslahatan dipihak masing-masing. Tak ada luka yang tertoreh dalam perpisahan seperti ini. Tiada pula duka nestapa serta air mata yang mengiringi. Perpisahan seperti kisah ini adalah perpisahan yang sangat indah, kerana merupakan perpisahan Qur’ani yang diilhami wahyu Illahi Robbi.
Perpisahan yang dijelaskan Robb semesta alam dalam surat Al Kahfi itu harusnya menjadi pedoman kita dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Andaikata setiap perpisahan berselimutkan pada cinta, maka takkan ada perceraian yang menghembuskan angin derita permusuhan dan kebencian.
Ketidakbersamaan badan tidak akan mengakibatkan tidak bersatunya hati. Jasad masing-masing boleh berpisah namun jiwa masih bersatu dalam tiap lantunan do’a memohonkan kebahagiaan dan keselamatan dunia akhirat bagi dia yang tidak lagi bersama.
Bolehkah umat muslimin berjiwa besar seperti itu? Bolehkah diri kita seperti itu?
Jika jawapannya ya, yakinlah bahwa kebesaran hati seperti itu akan membawa kita menjadi orang yang besar. Orang yang mampu menjadi pedoman bagi mereka yang dipimpinnya. Orang yang mampu tetap mencintai walau raga telah dipisahkan alur kehidupan.
(Rujuk kisah Nabi Musa berguru dengan Khidir a.s didalam Surah al-Kahfi ayat 60-82)..




Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to find
I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind
Whatever happened to our love?
I wish I understood
It used to be so nice, it used to be so good..

So when youre near me, darling cant you hear me
S. o. s.
The love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. o. s.
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?

You seem so far away though you are standing near
You made me feel alive, but something died I fear
I really tried to make it out
I wish I understood
What happened to our love, it used to be so good..

So when youre near me, darling cant you hear me
S. o. s.
The love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. o. s.
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?

So when youre near me, darling cant you hear me
S. o. s.
And the love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. o. s.
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on..


Sunday, 1 May 2016

Ada apa dgn cinta..

Sape nak bawak saya tengok movie ni? Sila angkat tangan.. Takder ker? Huhu..

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Truly madly deeply..

I have felt alone when I couldn’t afford to be. But at the end of the day, I had to learn to be my own best friend, because there’s going to be days when there will be no one there for me but myself..

 I didn’t lose youyou lost me. You’ll search for me inside of everyone you’re with and I won’t be found..

It is not enough that you tell people you love them. You also have to show them through your actions..

Sometimes people don’t notice the things you do for them until you stop doing them..

You can say sorry a million times, say I love you as much as you want, say whatever you want, whenever you want. But if you’re not going to prove that the things you say are true, then don’t say anything at all. Because if you can’t show it, your words don’t mean a thing. Don’t lie in order to satisfy somebody for a moment, because the pain that you cause them in the future can last them for a lifetime..

As long as you feel pain, you're still alive. As long as you make mistakes, you're still human. And as long as you keep trying, there's still hope..

People learn.. People change.. People move on..

My point is, when you love someone, when you care for someone, you have to do it through the good and the bad. Not just when you're happy and it's easy..

I miss u a lot..

The most painful tears are not the ones that fall from your eyes and cover your face. They’re the ones that fall from your heart and cover your soul..

She’s the woman who believes that what comes around goes around. The one who hopes for a better day. The one who won’t give up on you. She’s the woman who’s unlike the rest. The one who spent her days smiling, and her nights crying. She’s the woman who would love to be loved. The one who looks so damn strong, but sometimes feels so weak. She’s the woman who picks herself up every time she falls..

It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want..

The best man you‘ll ever have in your life isn’t the best looking or the richest.  He’s the one that makes you feel gorgeous, hilarious, and like a million dollars.  He makes sure you know he loves you..

Who ????


Thanks to those who hurt me, you made me a stronger person..
Thanks to those who loved me, you made my heart bigger..
Thanks to those who cared, you made me feel important..
 Thanks to those who worried, you let me know that you care..
 Thanks to those who left, you showed me that not everything is forever..
Thanks to those who stayed, you showed me the meaning of true friends.. 
Thanks to those who entered my life, you helped me become the person I am today..


"I think the sign of a true soulmate isn’t someone you just want to do the super cool stuff with. A real soulmate is the person who makes any ordinary day fun. Some people make all these huge plans to do with their special someone, forget that. Find someone who you can take grocery shopping and still have a blast with. Find someone who makes you look forward to waking up on Monday."

Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something..

I think that’s what’s wrong with the world; no one says what they feel, they always hold it inside. They’re sad, but they don’t cry. They’re happy, but they don’t sing or dance. They’re angry, but they don’t scream. ‘Cause if they do, they feel ashamed. And that’s the worst feeling in the world. So everyone walks with their heads down and no one sees how beautiful the sky really is..

Sometimes the best you can do is just remain silent because no words can explain the battle that’s going on in your heart and mind..

Rinduuu yang tak pernah surut..

Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you because one-sided expectations can mentally destroy you..

Sometimes your crush is a test. Don't think he/she is the only one you want or should have. Maybe Allah tests you to see how superficial you are..

Never beg for love. Never beg someone to love you back or be with you when you want to. Never beg for someone’s time, commitment, affection and attention. Never beg someone to stay with you when you need him the most. Because in the first place, if he loves you that much, he won’t leave you and let go of your hand. He will never let you beg for his presence and love because he will give it to you with open arms. Don’t beg, it’s demeaning and degrading. Remember, if you have to beg, he’s not worth it. No one is worth begging for.
~ baekebyan

You never know love until you surrender to it..

You knew I love you but you broke my heart anyway..

The ones who notice the storms in your eyes, the silence in your voice and the heaviness in your heart are the ones you need to let in..

She is always too much. She thinks too much. Feels too much. She loves too much. Always too much....of everything..

Miss u.. Too much..

I miss you..

Hate you ..

Mamma Mia.. Lagi..

Taste the bitterness strongly..

Rindunya pada awak.. Sob sob..

She doesn't need expensive gifts. She doesn't need expensive dinners. I mean sure all of those things would be nice but, all she really needs is you. She needs your listening ear when she is ready to vent. She needs your shoulder to cry on when life gets hard on her. She needs your words of encouragement when she is getting ready to pursue her dreams. She needs to be able to feel safe around you, and know that you have her best interest when it comes to her heart. And if it's taking her a while to let you in, she isn't trying to punish you. She just doesn't want to repeat making the same mistakes she has made in the past of giving a man her all, just to find out that he couldn't match her effort. Love her genuinely. Love her patiently. Love her passionately. And last but not least, love her consistently and in return, she will love you like you have never been loved before..

Hateeeee u...

The most painful tears are not the ones that fall from your eyes and cover your face. They’re the ones that fall from your heart and cover your soul..

I miss my old friend who treated me with the kind of respect & he's so luvly..

Never mind.. I'm just your stupid friend who luv to chat with you & alwayz get no reply..

Anyone can give you attention and compliments, but someone who loves you will give you that plus respect, honesty, trust, and loyalty..

Why i miss you more on saturday? Why? Why? Why?

Rinduuunyaaaaa.. Please call me.. Or text me.. or chat with me.. Or whatever... Please! Please! Please!

Miss u so much today.. 

Kalau saya boleh hidup tanpa awak selama ni.. InsyaAllah, untuk hari2 yang  seterusnya masih boleh.. Huhu.. (Ayat nak sedapkan hati..) Kadang2 rasa tak bermaya nak meneruskan hidup ni tanpa awak.. Tapi Alhamdulillah..masih boleh.. & i wonder how i melalui hidup ini bertahun2 setiap hari dengan perasaan rindu yang tak pernah surut.. Sampai bila? "Only the Almighty knows.." - u said.. Suatu yang jelas tapi tak dapat dicapai.. Sedih.. Nak nangis.. 😭😭😭
-miserable as always..

Miss u.. Miss u.. Miss u..

When you stop showing effort to a girl, that's when she'll start to think that you're not choosing her anymore, that's when she'll be convinced that your heart's not in it anymore, and that's when she'll believe that you aren't falling in love with her every day anymore because effort is everything to a girl. Whether you've been with her for 2 months or 2 years, effort is something that she's always going to expect to see because it's the kind of reassurance she needs for her to continue making an effort of her own because she can't be only one trying, she can't be the only one wanting to make it work, and she can't be the only one giving it her all. As a man, you should always be chasing her and making her feel like she's everything to you and no, that doesn't mean you always have to make some grand gesture to show her that you care, but it's the little things that win her over. Without effort, it just makes her feel like you're bored with her, she's no longer making you happy, and she's just not good enough for you and a girl can only feel that way for so long until she feels like you're not worth the effort anymore. Maybe it's because she would make such an effort to be with you and she would like to believe that you'd do the same for her, but if you really did care about her, making an effort should be something that's natural and it shouldn't be difficult so if it is, then don't be surprised if that's how you're going to lose her and once you do, it would take even more of an effort to get her back.

-Teddy Nguyen

I don't want a half-baked love.

I'm at the point in my life when realizations came sweeping me. I came to realize that love is not about intimacy , but rather of consistency. 

A love that sustains is what I'm in search for.

I don't want someone who only gives me butterflies on my tummy , but eventually leaves when I reach on my peak of emotions.

I don't want someone who holds my hand tight at the beginning , and loosen up when things went wrong at end .

I want someone who stays , not someone who kplays .
I want a relationship, not just a mere hooked up.
I want someone who sees me as his "lifetime" , not just for "spare time".
I want someone who sees me as a choice , not just one of his options .
I want someone who "prays" with me , not someone who "preys" on me.

Because I want a love that lasts , a love that endures . It may took long for me to find the one , but I rather wait than end up with regrets .

Words by I.M.P.A

A good man is a woman’s best friend.
by Brigitte
A good man is a woman’s best friend. He will never stand her up and never let her down. He will reassure her when she feels insecure and comfort her after a bad day. He will inspire her to do things she never thought she could do. He will make sure she always feels as though she’s the most beautiful woman in the room and will enable her to be the most confident, sexy, seductive and invincible person alive..

I miss u, i need u, i want u..all of u..

Let me tell you something straight! 

There is no such thing as "busy" if you truly matter to him or her. He or she will find time to even send you a single text if he or she truly cares. Why are you doing all the efforts to keep in touch? Keep this in mind, you don't have to beg for attention and affection if you are indeed important. Don't be so pathetic trying to be part of someone's life. You deserve better! (c) Truth Slap..

Miss u so much..

Miss u so much..

Do not lose yourself in the process of loving someone. It's better to lose a lover than losing self-worth, self-respect and self-love..

Miss u..

Luv u..

Miss u so much.. Tak pahamlar knp mesti rindu kat awak.. Betul2 tk paham.. Kenapa mesti ada perasaan mcm ni... Argg!!! Stress betul..